Related topics: surface

A little tension yields enormous solar crystals

In the race to replace silicon in low-cost solar cells, semiconductors known as metal halide perovskites are favored because they can be solution-processed into thin films with excellent photovoltaic efficiency. A collaboration ...

Making biological drugs with spider silk protein

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have managed to synthesise lung surfactant, a drug used in the care of preterm babies, by mimicking the production of spider silk. Animal studies reveal it to be just as effective ...

The dynamic surface tension of water

The surface tension of a liquid is a measure of the cohesive forces that hold the molecules together. It is responsible for a water drop assuming a spherical shape and for the effects of surfactants to produce bubbles and ...

Physical basis of tissue coordination uncovered

The little striped zebrafish starts out as single big cell sitting on top of the yolk. During the next 3 days, cells divide and tissues move to give the fish its final shape. But how do tissues coordinate their often-complicated ...

Nanometric imprinting on fiber

Researchers at EPFL's Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fibre Devices, which is run by Fabien Sorin, have come up with a simple and innovative technique for drawing or imprinting complex, nanometric patterns on hollow ...

Scientists discover a new state of matter for water

One of the most basic things we are taught in school science classes is that water can exist in three different states, either as solid ice, liquid water, or vapour gas. But an international team of scientists have recently ...

Coffee-ring phenomenon explained in new theory

The formation of a simple coffee stain has been the subject of complex study for decades, though it turns out that there remain some stones still to be turned. Researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno have modeled how ...

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