Student tackles labeling RNA without genetic modification

Overcoming limitations of super-resolution microscopy to optimize imaging of RNA in living cells is a key motivation for physics graduate student Takuma Inoue, who works in the lab of MIT assistant professor of physics Ibrahim ...

Science provides new way to peer into pores

Rice University scientists led a project to "see" and measure the space in porous materials, even if that space is too small or fragile for traditional microscopes.

New nanoparticle source generates high-frequency light

High-frequency light is useful. The higher the frequency of light, the shorter its wavelength—and the shorter the wavelength, the smaller the objects and details the light can be used to see.

Selective cancer nanoparticle targeting under the microscope

Nanoparticles can be used as powerful vehicles to administer vaccines and prevent serious illness, as with the treatment of COVID-19 and to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs to cancer cells with goal of eradicating the cancer ...

Super-resolution imaging reveals mechanism of GLUT1 clustering

Glucose is the primary source of energy and substrate for cells, and its uptake through the cell plasma membrane is largely dependent on the glucose transport (GLUT) family. GLUT1, one of the GLUT family members, is a ubiquitously ...

Lighting up DNA-based nanostructures

Biophysicists from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have used a new variant of super-resolution microscopy to visualize all the strands of a DNA-based nanostructure for the first time. The method promises to ...

New dye allows super-imaging of cells

A new dye might allow researchers to view natural processes in extremely small components of living cells over a prolonged period of time; a previously unattainable feat.

Scientists reveal hidden structures in bacterial DNA

DNA contains the instructions for life, encoded within genes. Within all cells, DNA is organised into very long lengths known as chromosomes. In animal and plant cells these are double-ended, like pieces of string or shoelaces, ...

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