Related topics: electrons · graphene · silicon

Developing strategies for high-quality crystal growth

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are a class of materials with physical properties that make them ideally suited for use in flexible optoelectronic applications, such as light detectors, light-emitting diodes and ...

Hair finds new roots as urban farming growth medium

The clumps of discarded hair on the salon floor could one day help to grow your lunchtime salad, thanks to scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), who have created the growth medium used ...

Investigating better biotransformations

Research in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications has investigated the chemistry and behavior of a useful natural product made by the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus Bunge). The ...

Effective modification of enzyme function by computational science

Bio-manufacturing uses enzyme reactions to produce compounds that serve as materials such as pharmaceuticals, foods, fibers, and plastics. It is conducted using aqueous solvents under normal temperature and pressure conditions, ...

Size effect of AlGaInP red micro-LEDs on silicon substrate

Micro-LEDs have been used in many fields due to their superior performance, such as micro-displays, visible light communication, optical biochips, wearable devices, and biosensors. Obtaining high resolution and high pixel ...

A highly sensitive SERS substrate for gas sensing

Trace gas sensing is critical for monitoring environmental pollution and detecting volatile organic compounds released from the human body. As a powerful analytical tool for identifying trace molecules, surface-enhanced Raman ...

Decoding the lifecycle of photogenerated charges

New materials will enable novel technologies to turn sunlight into electricity and fuels. Combinations of molecules and tiny nanoparticles make these materials a reality. The molecules in these materials are very good at ...

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