Coiled nanowires may hold key to stretchable electronics

Researchers at North Carolina State University have created the first coils of silicon nanowire on a substrate that can be stretched to more than double their original length, moving us closer to incorporating stretchable ...

Technique to synthesize monolayer films

A NIMS research group has developed a novel technique to synthesize monolayer films composed of neatly tiled two-dimensional materials, such as oxide nanosheets and graphene, on substrate surfaces in as quickly as one minute.

New formula for identifying suitable graphene substrate

Physicists from Forschungszentrum Jülich have developed a criterion with which scientists can seek suitable substrate materials for graphene in a targeted way. Interactions with the substrate material often lead to a loss ...

The smallest puzzle in the world

Three pieces of less than 1 mm in size each may be put together to the probably smallest puzzle in the world. For production, researchers used LIGA2.X, a new process to manufacture microstructured casting molds at KIT's ANKA ...

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