What we found about bacteria that resist antibiotics in seafood

It's important to gain a deeper understanding about the various ways in which humans and animals have been exposed to antibiotics, and the rise in bacteria found in food that's resistant to the drugs. This explains why there ...

Fishmeal developed for sustainable aquaculture

Aquaculture in Sweden could be more sustainable if by-products from industrial feed production were used instead of wild-caught aquafeed, according to studies at the University of Gothenburg.

Confusion at the fish counter: How to eat fish responsibly

It now seems absurd that anyone once believed the ocean was inexhaustible: fish stocks are in dismal shape and scientists say overfishing is a global problem with potentially irreversible consequences to ecosystems and human ...

How hurricanes can affect weather after landfall

After a hurricane has made landfall and moved through a community, it can affect the weather in the following weeks and months, said LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Assistant Professor Paul Miller based ...

Experts discuss food security from oceans

The world will have an additional 2 billion people to feed over the next 30 years—and doing that without decimating the planet's resources will require exploring as many options as possible. Yet, a significant option—seafood—is ...

Study highlights ways to improve fishing practices

Researchers from The University of Western Australia and Stanford University have confirmed eco-labels on seafood are a trusted way for consumers to ensure they are buying sustainable seafood products and also encourage the ...

Organotin poisoning may cause obesity, medics say

RUDN medics report that exposure to organotin compounds may cause metabolic disturbance and therefore lead to obesity. Being aware of the mechanisms of such exposure, doctors can neutralize the effect of the toxins. The work ...

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