Making single-cell RNA sequencing widely available

Sequencing messenger RNA molecules from individual cells offers a glimpse into the lives of those cells, revealing what they're doing at a particular time. However, the equipment required to do this kind of analysis is cumbersome ...

Counting small RNA in disease-causing organisms

Small molecules of RNA (tens to hundreds of nucleotides in length) play a key regulatory role in bacteria. Due to their small size, directly measuring the number of small RNA (sRNA) present in a single bacterium has proven ...

Transcriptional elongation control takes on new dimensions

Life is complicated enough, so you can forgive the pioneers of DNA biology for glossing over transcriptional elongation control by RNA polymerase II, the quick and seemingly bulletproof penultimate step in the process that ...

Regulating gene transcription using light

Researchers led by Mustafa Khammash have developed a new method that uses blue light to control the transcription of DNA into RNA in single cells. The technology could also be used in tissue engineering and stem cell research.

Spatial organization of transcribed eukaryotic genes

The basic process of life, known as transcription, is the process by which the genetic information stored in DNA is copied by specific enzymes called RNA polymerases into RNA molecules. Despite a huge progress in our understanding ...

RNA lifespan determination during transcription

Control of RNA lifespan is vital for the proper functioning of our cells. Marc Bühler's group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) has discovered a novel mechanism determining the fate of RNA ...

DNA origami full of potent anticancer agents

One of the most successful techniques to combat multidrug resistance in cancer cells is the downregulation of those genes responsible for drug resistance. Chinese scientists have now developed a nanoplatform that selectively ...

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