Related topics: protein

Shedding light on photosynthesis

( -- Imagine being able to monitor protein expression levels in a cell as they change over time and in response to external stimuli. That is just what researchers did when they studied the photosynthetic blue-green ...

Bionic bacteria may help fight disease and global warming

A strain of genetically enhanced bacteria developed by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies may pave the way for new synthetic drugs and new ways of manufacturing medicines and biofuels, according to a ...

Clustering is key to lighting up the dark proteome

( -- A new approach that organizes previously unused mass spectra from proteomics studies gives scientists the ability to use these spectra to gain more information about proteins in a wide range of organisms. ...

New evidence that chili pepper ingredient fights fat

Scientists are reporting new evidence that capsaicin, the stuff that gives chili peppers their kick, may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup by triggering certain beneficial protein changes in the body. Their study, which ...

Filming photons, one million times a second

( -- European researchers have created a CMOS (semiconductor) camera capable of filming individual photons one million times a second. The breakthrough will impact on all the most advanced areas of science and ...

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