Related topics: protein

Solving the mystery of how plants survive near Chernobyl

Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl nuclear power station accident in the Ukraine — the worst in history — scientists are reporting insights into the mystery of how plants have managed to adapt and survive in the radioactive ...

Toward a long-sought saliva test for autism

Researchers in Italy are reporting discovery of abnormal proteins in the saliva of autism patients that could eventually provide a clue for the molecular basis of this severe developmental disorder and could be used as a ...

Yeast uses plastic waste oils to make high-value chemicals

Polyolefins are a type of plastic that is resistant to breaking down. This makes this plastic—a kind found in everything from grocery bags to car bumpers—hard to recycle. In a new study, scientists have discovered a potential ...

Could protecting our proteins help us prevent aging?

Existing theories on the chemistry of aging are being turned on their head, thanks in particular to a small, ultra-resistant bacterium capable of "coming back to life" after extremely harmful attacks.

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