Genomic studies shed light on the origins of bee venom

Bees, wasps and ants belong to the Hymenoptera order and inject a whole cocktail of venomous ingredients when they sting. Despite their tremendous ecological and economic importance, little was previously known about the ...

Chinese team completes the genome assembly of Cornus wilsoniana

Cornus wilsoniana (2n=22) is a common shrub in the northern temperate zone of China. It blooms white flowers in spring and produces purple-black berries in autumn. This tree has a unique mottled bark texture that makes it ...

Scientists reveal how RNA gets spliced correctly

To carry out all of life's functions, proteins must be produced from instructions carried by genes within DNA and delivered to the cell's protein-making machinery by messenger RNA.

New human gene cluster sequence discovered

Investigators from the laboratory of Ali Shilatifard, Ph.D., the Robert Francis Furchgott Professor and chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, have discovered a new repeat gene cluster sequence that is exclusively ...

Unearthing how a carnivorous fungus traps and digests worms

A new analysis sheds light on the molecular processes involved when a carnivorous species of fungus known as Arthrobotrys oligospora senses, traps and consumes a worm. Hung-Che Lin of Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, and ...

Novel approaches for correcting gene expression insufficiency

A new molecular technology capable of binding to mRNA and regulating gene expression may offer a new avenue for treating diseases caused by haploinsufficiency, or the absence of one functional gene copy, according to a study ...

The intricate mechanisms of epigenetic silencing

Epigenetic silencing, which involves the suppression of gene activity, is a fascinating and increasingly influential branch of biological sciences. It allows cells to remember and maintain specific gene expression patterns ...

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