Related topics: protein

Protein that could prevent chemical warfare attack created

A team that includes Rutgers scientists has designed a synthetic protein that quickly detects molecules of a deadly nerve agent that has been classified by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction and could be used ...

Solving a puzzle to design larger proteins

A team from Japan and the United States has identified the design principles for creating large 'ideal' proteins from scratch, paving the way for the design of proteins with new biochemical functions. Their results appear ...

Lighting the way to folding next-level origami

Origami may sound more like art than science, but a complex folding pathway that proteins use to determine their shape has been harnessed by molecular biologists, enabling them to build some of the most complex synthetic ...

Pore-like proteins designed from scratch

In a milestone for biomolecular design, a team of scientists has succeeded in creating new proteins that adopt one of the most complex folds known to molecular biology. These designer proteins were shown in the lab to spontaneously ...

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