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New method expands the world of small RNAs

A team led by a biomedical scientist at the University of California, Riverside, has developed a new RNA-sequencing method— "Panoramic RNA Display by Overcoming RNA Modification Aborted Sequencing," or PANDORA-seq—that ...

Research illuminates embryonic stem cell fate

USC postdoctoral researcher Xi Chen knows that you have to break a few eggs in order to grow chicken stem cells. His work on maintaining embryonic stem cells (ESC) from chicken eggs provides insight into stem cell pluripotency ...

Mouse sperm generated in rats

Making gametes such as sperm and eggs from pluripotent stem cells—primitive cells that can make all the tissues—greatly contributes to efficient reproduction of livestock animals and future assisted reproductive medicine. ...

Stem cells provide hope for dwindling wildlife populations

A paper recently published in the scientific journal Stem Cells and Development shares an important advancement in conservation—one that may make the difference between survival and extinction for wildlife species that ...

The force to shape an organ

Carnegie Mellon University professor of biomedical engineering and materials science and engineering Adam Feinberg, along with postdoctoral fellow Dan Shiwarski and graduate student Joshua Tashman, have created a novel biosensor ...

Customized programming of human stem cells

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) have the potential to convert into a wide variety of cell types and tissues for drug testing and cell replacement therapies. However, the "recipes" for this conversion are often complicated ...

Unraveling a mystery surrounding embryonic cells

Last year, researchers at the University of California, Riverside, identified the early origins of neural crest cells—embryonic cells in vertebrates that travel throughout the body and generate many cell types—in chick ...

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