Related topics: volcano

NASA scientists see asteroid through the eyes of a robot

Retrieving an asteroid sample is no easy task. Doing the job blindfolded is even more challenging. That's why scientists equipped the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft with a set of eyes to watch it all unfold.

Image: Fires on Cape Barren Island, Australia

The Tasmanian Fire Service reported that a vegetation fire near Thunder and Lightning Bay, Cape Barren Island, Australia, started on Dec. 4, 2016, and was still blazing on Dec. 6. Smoke from the fire was seen from space by ...

Are mystery Mars plumes caused by space weather?

Mysterious high-rise clouds seen appearing suddenly in the martian atmosphere on a handful of occasions may be linked to space weather, say Mars Express scientists.

Enceladus jets: Surprises in starlight

During a recent stargazing session, NASA's Cassini spacecraft watched a bright star pass behind the plume of gas and dust that spews from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. At first, the data from that observation had scientists ...

Image: Enceladus and Saturn's rings

The water-world Enceladus appears here to sit atop Saturn's rings like a drop of dew upon a leaf. Even though it appears like a tiny drop before the might of the giant Saturn, Enceladus reminds us that even small worlds hold ...

Study challenges widely accepted theory of Yellowstone formation

Understanding the complex geological processes that form supervolcanoes could ultimately help geologists determine what triggers their eruptions. A new study using an advanced computer model casts doubt on previously held ...

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