Related topics: volcano

Plate tectonics thanks to plumes?

"Knowing what a chicken looks like and what all the chickens before it looked like doesn't help us to understand the egg," says Taras Gerya. The ETH Professor of Geophysics uses this metaphor to address plate tectonics and ...

The chemistry that could feed life within Saturn's moon Enceladus

Saturn's 502km-diameter icy moon Enceladus has fascinated scientists since it was first seen up close by NASA's Voyager probes in the 1980s. The moon is venting plumes of ice particles into space including traces of methane, ...

World's longest continental volcano chain in Australia

Scientists have discovered the world's longest known chain of continental volcanoes, running 2,000 kilometres across Australia, from the Whitsundays in North Queensland to near Melbourne in central Victoria.

CT scan of Earth links deep mantle plumes with volcanic hotspots

University of California, Berkeley, seismologists have produced for the first time a sharp, three-dimensional scan of Earth's interior that conclusively connects plumes of hot rock rising through the mantle with surface hotspots ...

Pluto, Charon could spout icy plumes

When NASA's New Horizons mission flies past Pluto on July 14, it may see signs of plumes on the dwarf planet or its moon, Charon, or at least evidence of their past existence. A new study of similar objects in the outer reaches ...

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