Scientists pinpoint jealousy in the monogamous mind

Jealousy leads to increased brain activity in areas associated with social pain and pair bonding in monogamous monkeys, finds a study published today in open-access journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. The study is ...

Chemists obtained new compound for molecular machines

RUDN chemists and their colleagues have developed an innovative method of crystallisation to produce a new complex mercuric compound with hybrid organic and inorganic ligands and a highly unusual structure. Compounds such ...

Powerful new technique can clone thousands of genes at once

Scientists at Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, the University of Trento in Italy, and Harvard Medical School report they have developed a new molecular technique called LASSO cloning, which can be used to isolate thousands of long ...

Vortex-antivortex pairs found in magnetic trilayers

A international team of researchers has discovered magnetic vortex-antivortex pairs arising from correlated electron spins in a newly engineered trilayer material. The discovery could advance memory cells and points to the ...

Tiny magnetic tremors unlock exotic superconductivity

Deep within solids, individual electrons zip around on a nanoscale highway paved with atoms. For the most part, these electrons avoid one another, kept in separate lanes by their mutual repulsion. But vibrations in the atomic ...

Unbreakable quantum entanglement

Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" persists even at high accelerations, researchers of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna were able to show in a new experiment. A source of entangled photon ...

How small can superconductors be?

For the first time, physicists have experimentally validated a 1959 conjecture that places limits on how small superconductors can be. Understanding superconductivity (or the lack thereof) on the nanoscale is expected to ...

Perovskite edges can be tuned for optoelectronic performance

In the eternal search for next generation high-efficiency solar cells and LEDs, scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory and their partners are creating innovative 2D layered hybrid perovskites that allow greater freedom ...

Fragmented asteroid pair develops twin comet-like tails

Asteroids on the main belt, situated between Mars and Jupiter, move around the sun in quasi circular orbits, so they do not undergo the temperature changes which, in comets, produce the characteristic tails. Nevertheless, ...

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