Unearthing how a carnivorous fungus traps and digests worms

A new analysis sheds light on the molecular processes involved when a carnivorous species of fungus known as Arthrobotrys oligospora senses, traps and consumes a worm. Hung-Che Lin of Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, and ...

Study reveals how corals control their algae population

A new study, published by KAUST researchers in Nature Communications, shows that corals, jellyfish, and other symbiotic cnidarians control their symbiotic algae by limiting the amount of nitrogen available for proliferation.

Identifying a silicon transporter to improve the yield of rice

Silicon (Si) is abundant in terrestrial environments and accounts for 0.1% to 10% of a plant's dry weight. Certain plant species show high levels of Si accumulation, and research has identified high Si accumulation as a protective ...

Chinese scientists unravel cGNAT2 role in cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria are a diverse group of gram-negative bacteria that conduct plant-like oxygenic photosynthesis and are thought to be the evolutionary ancestors of chloroplasts in higher plants. Lysine acetylation is an important ...

Scientists develop new hydrogels for wound management

Open wounds, whether caused by accidents or from medical procedures like surgery, require proper management to speed up healing and prevent infections. While sutures and staples are common wound closure methods, they can ...

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