Mother roundworms have ultra-protective instincts

Talk about motherly instincts! Biologists at the University of Iowa have learned that female roundworms can alert their future offspring of dangers they will encounter when born, and the mothers pass on these warnings even ...

Protein can release trapped histones in the cell

In the cell nucleus, histones play a crucial role packaging DNA into chromatin. Histones are however very sticky to both DNA and RNA, so to ensure they are transported to the cell nucleus after synthesis and bind to the right ...

Trees remember heatwaves

An Aussie eucalypt can 'remember' past exposure to extreme heat, which makes the tree and its offspring better able to cope with future heatwaves, according to new research from Macquarie University.

Maximum precision in protein synthesis

Researchers from the Center for Molecular Biology of Heidelberg University (ZMBH) and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have investigated the mode of action of a molecular chaperone vital to protein synthesis. Together ...

Researchers deepen understanding of cellular stress responses

Chronic stress caused by changing temperatures, Alzheimer's disease or other diseases and forces is an unavoidable part of life. At the cellular level, the "first responders" to stress are known as molecular chaperones. Yet ...

Cellular stress defense

Small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) are molecular chaperones that bind to unfolded proteins to prevent protein aggregation and defend against cellular stress. Mutations in human sHSPs are associated with inherited diseases ...

Molecular assembly line brings muscles into shape

Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, Austria and at the University of Cologne, Germany have discovered the molecular basis underlying the patterned folding and assembly of muscle proteins. ...

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