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A microbe's fountain of youth

The yeast S.pombe is one of the best-studied microbes in the world. First isolated from East African millet beer over a century ago, it's been used as a model organism in molecular and cell biology for the past sixty years. ...

Study reveals secrets of bacterial slime

( —Newcastle University scientists have revealed the mechanism that causes a slime to form, making bacteria hard to shift and resistant to antibiotics.

Step forward in quest to develop living construction materials

Some engineered living materials can combine the strength of run-of-the-mill building materials with the responsiveness of living systems. Think self-healing concrete, paint that changes color when a specific chemical is ...

Machine learning model uncovers new drug design opportunities

Pathogens are nothing if not adaptable, and their ability to protect themselves against antibiotics increasingly poses a public health concern. A research team led by Los Alamos National Laboratory has used machine learning, ...

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