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Scientists first to simulate a large-scale virus, M13

Atomistic simulations are a powerful tool to study the movement and interactions of atoms and molecules. In many biological processes, large-scale effects, for example, assembly of large viruses to nanoparticles are important. ...

Marine cyanobacteria do not survive solely on photosynthesis

Marine cyanobacteria are single-cell organisms that settled in the oceans millions of years ago. They are organisms that, by means of photosynthesis, create organic material by using inorganic substances. Specifically, the ...

Feedback loop maintains basal cell population

Notch – the protein that can help determine cell fate – maintains a stable population of basal cells in the prostate through a positive feedback loop system with another key protein – TGF beta (transforming growth factor ...

Molecular biologist talks cheese

While many microbiologists build entire research careers around studies of a single microorganism, Rachel Dutton has taken her career in the other direction—examining collections of microbes, but with an unusual twist. ...

Fungal biology: Finding yeast's better half

Scientists long believed that the fungal pathogen Candida albicans was incapable of producing haploid cells—which contain only one copy of each chromosome, analagous to eggs and sperm—for mating. Mixing of genes in sexual ...

DNA repair enzyme mapped in atomic detail

An enzyme crucial to the process of DNA repair in our cells has been mapped in atomic detail by researchers at the University of Dundee, the UK's top-rated University for Biological Sciences.

The ribosome: A new target for antiprion medicines

New research results from Uppsala University, Sweden, show that the key to treating neurodegenerative prion diseases such as mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may lie in the ribosome, the protein synthesis machinery ...

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