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Previously unknown protein turns plants into dwarfs

Arabidopsis thaliana belongs to the crucifer family and serves researchers around the world as a common model organism that allows comparatively simple analyses of genetic information and the functions associated with it. ...

Sugar metabolism is surprisingly conventional in cancer

For over a century, cancer cell metabolism has been viewed as something of a paradox. New work from researchers at Washington University in St. Louis shows that it might not be such an anomaly after all. The study is published ...

How calcium ions get into the cellular power stations of plants

Calcium is a very special nutrient. In the cells of most living beings calcium ions function as so-called second messengers to transmit important signals. The same applies equally to animal, plant and fungal cells. Through ...

Using light to restore cell function

New research from the University of Cincinnati shows early indications that light can be used as a treatment for certain diseases, including cancer.

Genetic defect leads to motor disorders in flies

In their study, the research groups looked at a protein called Creld. A study from Bonn had recently been able to demonstrate that Creld plays an important role in the development of the heart in mammals. "We wanted to find ...

Hibernating insects regrow muscles on demand

Even as gas prices soar, most people don't destroy their car's engine just to save energy—and that's one luxury certain insects have that those humans don't.

New aging-related molecular pathway discovered

A collaborative project between the labs of Maulik Patel, assistant professor of biological sciences, and Kris Burkewitz, assistant professor of cell and developmental biology, has identified a new molecular pathway that ...

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