Cracking the genetic code for complex traits in cattle

A massive global study involving 58,000 cattle has pinpointed the genes that influence the complex genetic trait of height in cattle, opening the door for researchers to use the same approach to map high-value traits including ...

China's need to turn milk green

China will need more than three times as much milk by 2050 as it produced in 2010 and, without changes to its current supply lines, the demand will lift global greenhouse gas emissions from dairy herds by 35%, expand dairy ...

Researchers develop dissolvable, easy-to-use milk capsules

Have your coffee without spilling the milk: Researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a milk capsule that dissolves when placed in a hot drink. Not only does this reduce the consumption ...

Making clothes from milk

In the EU, residents waste an estimated 88 million tonnes of food every year, according to the latest estimates. That is roughly 170 kilogrammes per person. But what if scientists could turn some of that waste into useful ...

Cooler cows have healthier calves

Environmental influences affecting cows during pregnancy have been shown to induce life-long physical and metabolic changes in the offspring. To learn more about the effects of heat stress on calves conceived during the summer, ...

New alternative to whey protein in calf milk replacers

We see a lot of whey protein on the supermarket shelves these days. The high-protein, low-carb diet trend has been highly profitable for cheese makers and whey processors, who once used the cheese byproduct as fertilizer ...

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