Predicting the properties of a new class of glasses

ZIF glasses, a new family of glass, could combine the transparency of silicate glass with the nonbrittle quality of metallic glass, according to researchers at Penn State and Cambridge University in the U.K.

Pushing lithium ion batteries to the next performance level

Conventional lithium ion batteries, such as those widely used in smartphones and notebooks, have reached performance limits. Materials chemist Freddy Kleitz from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vienna and international ...

Copper compound as promising quantum computing unit

Quantum computers could vastly increase the capabilities of IT systems, bringing major changes worldwide. However, there is still a long way to go before such a device can actually be constructed, because it has not yet ...

Atomic nitrogen route to new 2-D semiconductors

A simple and non-destructive fabrication technique could aid the manufacture of more energy efficient two-dimensional (2-D) films needed to transform the electronics industry.

New method for analyzing metalloproteins

Researchers have developed a new method to analyze metalloproteins with only a tiny liquid sample. This breakthrough was achieved by a research team led by Associate Professor Eiji Ohmichi and Tsubasa Okamoto at the Kobe ...

Removing toxic mercury from contaminated water

Water contaminated with mercury and other toxic heavy metals is a major cause of environmental damage and health problems worldwide. Now, researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, present a totally new way ...

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