Nanotubes may give the world better batteries

Rice University scientists are counting on films of carbon nanotubes to make high-powered, fast-charging lithium metal batteries a logical replacement for common lithium-ion batteries.

Artificial enzymes perform reactions on living cells

Nature has evolved thousands of enzymes to facilitate the many chemical reactions that take place inside organisms to sustain life. Now, researchers have designed artificial enzymes that sit on the surfaces of living cells ...

Researchers use photons to separate metal ions

A Florida State University research team is using a simple, readily available energy source to separate metal ions, a process that could help purify water or even recycle nuclear waste.

Researchers simulate simple logic for nanofluidic computing

Invigorating the idea of computers based on fluids instead of silicon, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have shown how computational logic operations could be performed in a liquid ...

The science behind pickled battery electrolytes

Battery researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have discovered an important chemical reaction that resembles the method used to make pickles. The reaction provides key insights into ...

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