Researchers propose framework for contextual metadata

In an article published in the International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, a multi-center research team discusses how they hope to fill a significant gap in the documentation and sharing of research data ...

How we could snoop on extraterrestrial communications networks

The conditions for life throughout the universe are so plentiful that it seems reasonable to presume there must be extra-terrestrial civilizations in the galaxy. But if that's true, where are they? The Search for Extra-terrestrial ...

Promoting microbiome data standards to advance research

Researchers have predicted that our planet may be home to 1 trillion species of microbes. Communities of these microorganisms, called microbiomes that exist in particular environments, are incredibly important to the health ...

Genomes OnLine Database introduces new features

Since its launch 25 years ago, the Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) has matured from six projects on a spreadsheet into a flagship genomic metadata repository, making curated microbiome metadata that follows community standards ...

Biodiversity needs better data archiving

Missing metadata—data that provide information about other data—might not sound like a big deal, but it's a costly problem that's hindering humanity's plans to protect the planet's biodiversity. An international team ...

Handling trillions of supercomputer files just got simpler

A new distributed file system for high-performance computing available today via the software collaboration site GitHub provides unprecedented performance for creating, updating and managing extreme numbers of files.

Software that can automatically detect fake news

Invented stories, distorted facts: fake news is spreading like wildfire on the internet and is often shared on without thought, particularly on social media. In response, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a system that ...

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