Biodiversity needs better data archiving

Missing metadata—data that provide information about other data—might not sound like a big deal, but it's a costly problem that's hindering humanity's plans to protect the planet's biodiversity. An international team ...

Defining standards for genomes from uncultivated microorganisms

During the Industrial Revolution, factories began relying on machines rather than people for mass production. Amidst the societal changes, standardization crept in, from ensuring nuts and bolts were made identically to maintain ...

Taking the hard work out of software

Developing software is a complicated and laborious process. A new European platform automates much of the tricky building and testing phases of programming.

How we could snoop on extraterrestrial communications networks

The conditions for life throughout the universe are so plentiful that it seems reasonable to presume there must be extra-terrestrial civilizations in the galaxy. But if that's true, where are they? The Search for Extra-terrestrial ...

Promoting microbiome data standards to advance research

Researchers have predicted that our planet may be home to 1 trillion species of microbes. Communities of these microorganisms, called microbiomes that exist in particular environments, are incredibly important to the health ...

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