Genetic typing of a bacterium with biotechnological potential

Pseudomonas putida is a bacterium occuring in soil, aquatic environments and plants. Although the virulence of Pseudomonas p.—the ability of the bacterium to infect its host and inflict a disease—is considered to be low, ...

Engineered microbial production of grape flavoring

Researchers report a microbial method for producing an artificial grape flavor. Methyl anthranilate (MANT) is a common grape flavoring and odorant compound currently produced through a petroleum-based process that uses large ...

CasPER—a new method for diversification of enzymes

A new study published in the Metabolic Engineering Journal describes a method based on CRISPR/Cas9, which enables flexible engineering of essential and nonessential enzymes without additional engineering. This has multiple ...

A new way to do metabolic engineering

A novel method developed by a group of researchers at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois could change the way metabolic engineering is done.

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