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Mathematical model mimics melanoma

Cancer cells' ability to tolerate crowded conditions may be one key to understanding tumor growth and formation, according to a mathematical model that has been applied to cancer cell growth for the first time. The model ...

Laser, sound waves provide live views of organs in action

Biomedical engineers are now able to take a live, holistic look at the inner workings of a small animal with enough resolution to see active organs, flowing blood, circulating melanoma cells and firing neural networks.

Nanotechnology supports treatment of malignant melanoma

Changes in the genetic make-up of tissue samples can be detected quickly and easily using a new method based on nanotechnology. This report researchers from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, the University of Basel and the ...

New non-invasive skin cancer test put to the test

Researchers have developed a new non-invasive technique which can accurately detect malignant melanoma without a biopsy. The report, published online in Nature Scientific Reports on August 11, showed that a special technique ...

Research reveals structure of key CRISPR complex

Using a gene-editing system originally developed to delete specific genes, MIT researchers have now shown that they can reliably turn on any gene of their choosing in living cells.

Scientists identify key factor that maintains stem cell identity

A protein implicated in several cancers appears to play a pivotal role in keeping stem cells in an immature "pluripotent" state, according to a new study by NYU Langone Medical Center scientists. The study is published online ...

Venom gets good buzz as potential cancer-fighter

Bee, snake or scorpion venom could form the basis of a new generation of cancer-fighting drugs, scientists will report here today. They have devised a method for targeting venom proteins specifically to malignant cells while ...

Speeding up gene discovery

Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, which identified nearly 20,000 protein-coding genes, scientists have been trying to decipher the roles of those genes. A new approach developed at MIT, the Broad Institute, ...

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