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New cobalt complex triggers ferroptosis in cancer cells

In programmed cell death, certain signaling molecules initiate a kind of suicide program to cause cells to die in a controlled manner. This is an essential step to eliminate damaged cells or to control the number of cells ...

Unique mechanism protects pancreatic cells from inflammation in mice

Researchers from the University of Cologne have revealed a mechanism protecting pancreatic β-cells, which are crucial for insulin production from inflammatory cell death. The study investigated the role of receptor-interacting ...

Dual-action therapy shows promise against aggressive oral cancer

In a new study, scientists at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine found a promising new way to treat a type of oral cancer known as oral squamous cell carcinoma. The method specifically targets the cancer cells ...

Study shows ancient viruses fuel modern-day cancers

Peek inside the human genome and, among the 20,000 or so genes that serve as building blocks of life, you'll also find flecks of DNA left behind by viruses that infected primate ancestors tens of millions of years ago.

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A tumor or tumour is the name for a swelling or lesion formed by an abnormal growth of cells (termed neoplastic). Tumor is not synonymous with cancer. A tumor can be benign, pre-malignant or malignant, whereas cancer is by definition malignant.

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