A better reference genome for the rhesus macaque

A large team of researchers from the U.S., Italy and Germany has developed a new and improved reference genomic assembly for the rhesus macaque. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes using advanced ...

Researchers offer new theory on 'Venus' figurines

One of world's earliest examples of art, the enigmatic 'Venus' figurines carved some 30,000 years ago, have intrigued and puzzled scientists for nearly two centuries. Now a researcher from the University of Colorado Anschutz ...

Printed meds could reinvent pharmacies, drug research

A technology that can print pure, ultra-precise doses of drugs onto a wide variety of surfaces could one day enable on-site printing of custom-dosed medications at pharmacies, hospitals and other locations.

The future of medicine could be found in this tiny crystal ball

A Drexel University materials scientist has discovered a way to grow a crystal ball in a lab. Not the kind that soothsayers use to predict the future, but a microscopic version that could be used to encapsulate medication ...

Slow light speeds up the microscopic world

A team of researchers from the University of St Andrews and the University of York has slowed down the speed of light in a process which could have major applications in fundamental science and medical diagnosis.

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