Stock market forces shown to drive cryptocurrency returns

Having examined the impact of various factors on cryptocurrency returns, HSE economists found that fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices can be better explained by equity market risks than by factors specific to the crypto ...

Local supply of managerial skills can impact firm performance

If you think that the executive labor market is a global one, you're not alone. After all, it's pretty common to read about top managers being hired to steer the fate of far-away companies. However, recent research by Julien ...

Good looks drive consumer engagement, study finds

Online sellers are more likely to boost their consumer engagement if they are good-looking, according to a new study undertaken by Charles Darwin University (CDU) in collaboration with institutions in China, Vietnam and France.

Stereotypes influence whether people buy stocks, study shows

Whether people invest in stocks depends on what they think about stockholders. This is what a team led by Luca Henkel, a member of the ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence: Markets & Public Policy at the University of Bonn, ...

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