Caribbean coral reefs have been warming for at least 100 years

A new analysis outlines 150 years of sea-surface temperature history throughout the Greater Caribbean region, highlighting significant warming trends that have disrupted coral reef ecosystems. Colleen Bove of the University ...

Three critical factors in the end-Permian mass extinction

Two-hundred fifty-two million years ago, volcanic eruptions led to massive climate changes. Around the globe, roughly 75 percent of all land-based organisms and roughly 90 percent of all marine organisms died out as a result. ...

Antarctic research links warming to fish decline

A long-term study in the Southern Ocean reveals a clear correlation between warming waters, decreased sea ice, and reduced abundance of Antarctic silverfish. These small, abundant fish are important prey for penguins, seals, ...

Scientists uncover 'missing' plastics deep in the ocean

About 51 trillion microplastics are floating in the surface waters of oceans around the world. Originating from various types of plastics, these tiny fragments (less than 5 millimeters in length) pollute natural ecosystems. ...

Climate crisis drives Mediterranean coral populations to collapse

A new study led by teams of the Faculty of Biology, the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) of the University of Barcelona, and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) of Barcelona has revealed that marine heatwaves ...

The climate system relies on microscopic particles

The Earth's climate is an extremely complex system that is driven by the subtle balance of many different processes—a key one of which is the air-sea exchange of CO2. Monitoring the ocean's uptake of CO2 is key to our understanding ...

Return of the sprat: 'Vital' small fish thrive in the Clyde Sea

Small fish that live in open water and form a significant part of the base of the marine food chain have returned in huge numbers to the Clyde Sea, according to new research from scientists at the University of Aberdeen.

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