Researchers present the world's oldest long-necked marine reptile

An international team of scientists led by Dr. Stephan Spiekman, Dr. Eudald Mujal and Prof. Dr. Rainer Schoch, paleontologists at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, has re-examined the fossil of the reptile Trachelosaurus ...

Sea anemones study reveals insights into predator-prey dynamics

A new study reveals crucial insights into animal defense mechanisms and tradeoffs. The surprising discovery of a native anemone population lacking the Nv1 neurotoxin led to an investigation into its impact on defending against ...

A plan to protect the biodiversity of US waters

Marine biodiversity is in crisis around the globe. Climate change, overfishing, habitat destruction and other extractive industries are causing species losses at an alarming rate. Scientists, managers, and governments are ...

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