Is 'fear' driving bias in environmental scholarship?

Scientists understand that fear of predation affects animal behavior within landscapes. Now, Yale School of the Environment researchers are using a similar hypothesis—which they are calling "social-ecological landscapes ...

Fathoming the hidden heatwaves that threaten coral reefs

From April to May 2019, the coral reefs near the French Polynesian island of Moorea in the central South Pacific Ocean suffered severe and prolonged thermal bleaching. The catastrophe occurred despite the absence of El Niño ...

Urban light pollution is a danger for marine ecosystems

Cities are artificially lit to allow humans to make use of the night. This light pollution means that stars are often barely visible in urban skies. But reduced stargazing is not the only impact of artificial light at night.

When was the first time life began to prey on each other?

Using the word predation may seem surprising when we talk about the first organisms that set out to eat other organisms, for they were not deadly predators with sharp teeth and claws, but small single-celled life forms that ...

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