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Examining rare earth metal volatility on the London Stock Exchange

Research in the International Journal of Global Energy Issues has looked at the volatility of rare earth metals traded on the London Stock Exchange. The work used an advanced statistical model known as gjrGARCH(1,1) to follow ...

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In physics, magnetism is one of the forces in which materials and moving charged particles exert attractive, repulsive force or moments on other materials or charged particles. Some well-known materials that exhibit easily detectable magnetic properties (called magnets) are nickel, iron, cobalt, gadolinium and their alloys; however, all materials are influenced to greater or lesser degree by the presence of a magnetic field. Substances that are negligibly affected by magnetic fields are known as non-magnetic substances. They include copper, aluminium, water, and gases.

Magnetism also has other definitions and descriptions in physics, particularly as one of the two components of electromagnetic waves such as light.

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