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All the Web privacy you want

Microsoft announced last week that the next version of its Internet Explorer browser will include better privacy controls, giving users more protection against being tracked by advertisers online. Its initiative, which takes ...

Stanford students create 'do not track' software

As a government agency pushes for a "do not track" mechanism to protect online consumer privacy, a pair of Stanford researchers is developing the technology to make it work.

Google executive pushes privacy concerns

(AP) -- Google's global privacy counsel says he's surprised by how few people choose to control what ads are steered their way - a tool which the Internet search giant launched, albeit with minimal fanfare, over the past ...

Half-year record for US online ad revenue: IAB

US online advertising revenue rose 11.3 percent during the first six months of the year to 12.1 billion dollars to set a half-year record, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) said Tuesday.

Newspapers look for ways to profit in Internet age

Newspapers worldwide are being forced to reinvent themselves for the Internet age -- and will be watching closely the success of two experiments launched in London, analysts say.

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