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Facebook is free, but should it count toward GDP anyway?

For several decades, gross domestic product (GDP), a sum of the value of purchased goods, has been a ubiquitous yardstick of economic activity. More recently, some observers have suggested that GDP falls short because it ...

Med-tech trade group launches online cybersecurity tool

Cybersecurity events like 2016's NotPetya ransomware attack tend to arrive in bursts of confusion and concern, but the hard work of mitigating cybersecurity risks in health care technology is embedded in the daily grind of ...

Study: Information literacy can combat 'fake news'

It's not difficult to verify whether a new piece of information is accurate; however, most people don't take that step before sharing it on social media, regardless of age, social class or gender, a new Ohio University study ...

Data transfer by controlled noise

In information technology, multiplexing schemes are used to transmit more signals than the number of available transmission channels. Researchers at ETH in Zurich have invented a novel method whereby information is encoded ...

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