Digesting hydrocarbons

Volatile organic compounds can be found in the air—everywhere. A wide range of sources, including from plants, cooking fuels and household cleaners, emit these compounds directly. They also can be formed in the atmosphere ...

Supermaterials out of the microwave

Using non-conventional methods, Christina Birkel and her colleagues in the Department of Chemistry of the TU Darmstadt produce metallic ceramics and new materials for the energy supply of the future.

Cheap, sustainable battery made from tree bark tannins

(Phys.org)—Tannins may be best known for their presence in red wine and tea, but in a new study researchers have demonstrated for the first time that tannins from tree bark can also serve as battery cathode materials. As ...

The molecular structure of a forest aroma deconstructed

The fresh, unmistakable scent of a pine forest comes from a medley of chemicals produced by its trees. Researchers have now, for the first time, accurately determined the chemical structure of one of these compounds in its ...

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