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Molecular prison forces diatomic inmates to cell floor

A team of scientists including Carnegie's Tim Strobel and Venkata Bhadram now report unexpected quantum behavior of hydrogen molecules, H2, trapped within tiny cages made of organic molecules, demonstrating that the structure ...

'Sweet spot' in sweet material for hydrogen storage

Rice University engineers have zeroed in on the optimal architecture for storing hydrogen in "white graphene" nanomaterials—a design like a Lilliputian skyscraper with "floors" of boron nitride sitting one atop another ...

A solid pathway toward hydrogen storage

An inexpensive and useful layered superconductor compound also may be an efficient solid-state material for storing hydrogen. The Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Materials Network (EMN) consortium approach to accelerate ...

Scientists introduce new material to store hydrogen

Scientists of Siberian Federal University and the Institute of Physics of the SB RAS produced a new material for hydrogen storage. The material is based on magnesium hydride, and can store hydrogen mass of about 7 percent ...

Recruiting manganese to upgrade carbon dioxide

OIST researchers developed simple catalysts based on Earth-abundant manganese to use carbon dioxide for energy storage or turn it into useful chemicals for the industry.

How protons move through a fuel cell

Hydrogen is regarded as the energy source of the future: It is produced with solar power and can be used to generate heat and electricity in fuel cells. Empa researchers have now succeeded in decoding the movement of hydrogen ...

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