Related topics: cells · air pollution · chemical · groundwater · microbes

Research group describes how cilia's motor works

Using cryo-electron tomography, researchers have uncovered details of how the dynein motor protein drives cilia to beat. Understanding this motion may help to tackle health problems that affect cilia, which range from fertility ...

Wildfire smoke threatens already endangered orangutans

For months following peatland wildfires in Borneo, the behavior and voices of critically endangered orangutans change, according to a new study led by a researcher from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Increasing heat likely a major factor in human migration

Rising temperatures due to climate change are likely influencing human migration patterns, according to a new study by Rita Issa of University College London and colleagues, published May 24 in the open-access journal PLOS ...

Study provides framework for assessing emotions in wild animals

A world-first holistic framework for assessing the mental and psychological well-being of wild animals has been developed by UTS Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Andrea Harvey, a veterinarian and animal welfare ...

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