Primates' DNA highlights applications for human health

A new investigation led by Tomàs Marquès-Bonet, an ICREA researcher at the IBE (CSIC-UPF) and a professor of Genetics at the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Kyle Farh (Illumina), ...

Using AI to create better, more potent medicines

While it can take years for the pharmaceutical industry to create medicines capable of treating or curing human disease, a new study suggests that using generative artificial intelligence could vastly accelerate the drug-development ...

Paraguay confirms bird flu cases

Cases of bird flu have been detected in backyard chickens in Paraguay, authorities said Saturday.

Atypical 'mad cow disease' case detected in US

US health officials have detected an atypical case of "mad cow disease" in a beef cow at a slaughter plant in the state of South Carolina, they announced Friday.

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