Related topics: fish · algae · mississippi river · invasive species

New study will track how trade wars affect the Midwest

A team of researchers who first proposed studying the effect a global trade war could have on the Midwest never imagined there would be an actual trade war underway as they conducted their research.

Imperiled, some freshwater mussels endure. How?

Freshwater mussels are among the most imperiled animals in North America, yet some colonies have managed to persevere despite habitat loss, pollution and other threats.

Image: Northeast Ethiopia

The Copernicus Sentinel-1B satellite takes us over Semera in northeast Ethiopia. Semera is a new town with a population of just over 2600 and serves as the capital of the Afar region. The region spans an estimated 270 000 ...

Underwater robot tracks toxic algae in Lake Erie

Microcystin is a nasty toxin that can cause skin reactions, stomach problems, and even liver damage. It's produced by a tiny blue-green alga (cyanobacteria) called Microcystis, which multiplies like crazy in warm, nutrient-rich ...

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