Decoding apples: Nitrogen's role in shaping fruit sugar content

Apple quality and yield are significantly affected by nitrogen levels in the soil, which influence various biochemical processes. Insufficient nitrogen can result in poor fruit quality, while excessive nitrogen leads to environmental ...

Scientists identify first negative regulator of NOX4 translation

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase 4 (NADPH oxidase 4, NOX4) is an important member of the NADPH oxidase family that is primarily responsible for the production of H2O2. The regulation of NOX4 activity is ...

Study shows nanoclusters of insulin can control insulin activity

A study published in Nature Nanotechnology shows how nanoclusters of insulin can control insulin activity. The results can lead to new types of insulin drugs, senior author Ana Teixeira at the Department of Medical Biochemistry ...

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