Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

A new tool for tracing the family trees of cells

EPFL researchers have developed GEMLI, a pioneering tool that could democratize and vastly improve how we study the journey of cells from their embryonic state through to specialized roles in the body, as well as their changes ...

Researchers bring 60-year-old dormant algae cells to life

New research at Åbo Akademi University, Finland, has managed to circumvent previous challenges in finding out how microalgae adapt to global warming by studying up to 60-year-old microalgae cells from the Archipelago Sea. ...

An inside look at how plants and mycorrhizal fungi cooperate

For millions of years, underground fungi have lived in symbiosis with plant roots. Plants provide photosynthesized carbon, while fungi deliver water and nutrients. In order to do so, these organisms share space at the cellular ...

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