MicroRNA can move between cells

(PhysOrg.com) -- MicroRNAs can move between cells and play a role in their communication. This discovery was made by plant researchers at Uppsala University together with colleagues from Finland and the US when they were ...

Finding meaning in gene expression 'noise'

Static models of gene regulation networks are inevitably oversimplified, indicating how one gene specifically switches certain target genes on while turning others off. However, the reality is much more dynamic and thus noisier. ...

Mother controls embryo's gene activity

Frog embryos do not fully control which genes they can turn on or off in the beginning of their development – but their mother does, through specific proteins in the egg cell. Molecular developmental biologists at Radboud ...

Dundee researchers make gene breakthrough

Researchers at the University of Dundee have made a significant breakthrough in understanding how human cells decode genes important for cell growth and multiplication.

Chromosome-folding theory shows promise

Human chromosomes are much bigger and more complex than proteins, but like proteins, they appear to fold and unfold in an orderly process as they carry out their functions in cells.

British scientist wins top French prize

Margaret Buckingham, a Scottish-born biologist, has been awarded one of France's top science prizes, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) announced on Wednesday.

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