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Astronauts might soon grow SPACE tomatoes

Tiny tomato plants developed at the University of California, Riverside, could one day feed astronauts on the International Space Station. The plants have minimal leaves and stems but still produce a normal amount of fruit, ...

New phenomenon: Forest mammals eavesdrop on messy monkeys

Eavesdropping doesn't just belong in the playbooks of police officers and spies. It is also a phenomenon that plays out among animals. Previous studies have shown that certain species, especially birds, listen to each other ...

Fruit fly species can learn each other's dialects

Fruit flies from different species can warn each other when parasitic wasps are near. But according to a new study led by Balint Z. Kacsoh of Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, published July 19th in PLOS Genetics, they ...

Freeloading orchid relies on mushrooms above and below ground

The non-photosynthesizing orchid species Gastrodia pubilabiata smells like rotting mushrooms or fermented fruit, and is pollinated by fruit flies who mistakenly lay their eggs in its flowers. If there are rotting mushrooms ...

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