Related topics: cells · mitochondria · antioxidants

Radical methods for infected implants

Molecules that are more often known for their potential to cause cancer may have a new, health-promoting role. Scientists are now discovering how these "radicals" may be used to prevent infections and promote the long-term ...

A radical approach to methane oxidation into methanol

Free radicals don't get the best press. However, while they are known as harmful oxidants in the body, these ultra-reactive chemicals are indispensable in the lab. Radical reactions play a role in key technologies such as ...

Scientists enlist lichens to monitor air pollution

An MIPT-based team of researchers has proposed analyzing lichen composition to assess atmospheric air quality when conventional monitoring stations are unavailable. They produced a case study of the Xanthoria parietina lichen, ...

Sulfur respiration in mammals

A common sulfur metabolite having antioxidant activity appears to be formed with the help of an enzyme found in mitochondria, highlighting a potential area of research for future treatments of various diseases.

House sparrow decline linked to air pollution and poor diet

Despite being well-adapted to urban life, house sparrow numbers are falling. A study in open-access journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution finds that compared to sparrows living in the country, urban-dwelling birds show ...

Making artificial blood for transfusions

Blood transfusions can save the lives of patients who have suffered major blood loss, but hospitals don't always have enough or the right type on hand. In search of a solution, researchers have developed a promising substitute ...

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