Sea change: New blueprint for Southern Ocean survival

More than 200 scientists from 19 countries will release the first comprehensive assessment of trends in Southern Ocean ecosystems on 18 October, in a reportmade available on Zenodo and written specifically for policy makers.

Jellyfish: Our complex relationship with the oceans' anti-heroes

Ding! The courier hands me an unassuming brown box with "live animals" plastered on the side. I begin carefully unboxing. The cardboard exterior gives way to a white polystyrene clamshell, cloistering a pearly sphere-shaped, ...

Study: An inverse model for food webs and ecosystem stability

In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, authors Gabriel Gellner and Kevin McCann from the University of Guelph and SFI External Professor Alan Hastings (UC Davis) invert a classical ...

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