Much fridge food 'goes there to die'

Americans throw out a lot more food than they expect they will, food waste that is likely driven in part by ambiguous date labels on packages, a new study has found.

Plants may be transmitting superbugs to people

Antibiotic-resistant infections are a threat to global public health, food safety and an economic burden. To prevent these infections, it is critical to understand how antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their genes are transmitted ...

Banned pesticides in Europe's rivers

Tests of Europe's rivers and canals have revealed more than 100 pesticides—including 24 that are not licensed for use in the EU.

The effects of climate change on water shortages

If global temperatures continue to rise, rainfall will increasingly become a beast of extremes: long dry spells here, dangerous floods there – and in some places, intense water shortages. As early as 2025, the World Health ...

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