US regulators clear path for genetically modified salmon

U.S. regulators on Friday gave the green light to salmon genetically modified to grow about twice as fast as normal, but the company behind it may face legal challenges before the fish can be sold domestically.

Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker?

Electric pressure cookers like the Instant Pot have grown in popularity in recent years. One reason for this is that they allow people to prepare meals more quickly. But a lot of people aren't sure why electric and stovetop ...

Plants as efficient antifungal factories

Researchers report that they can efficiently produce antifungal proteins in plants based on a modified tobacco mosaic virus. The results of this research, which could have a major impact in the agri-food industry, have been ...

Blockchain systems are tracking food safety and origins

When a Chinese consumer buys a package labeled "Australian beef," there's only a 50-50 chance the meat inside is, in fact, Australian beef. It could just as easily contain rat, dog, horse or camel meat – or a mixture of ...

Fast, reliable test for microorganism contamination

Food and water-borne illnesses are a common concern around the world. Every year hundreds of millions of water, beverage and food samples need to be tested to detect harmful bacteria.

Made in Fukushima: Japan farmers struggle to win trust

The pumpkin is diced, the chicken carved and the eggs beaten into an omelette, but the people preparing the food are not chefs—they are scientists testing produce from Japan's Fukushima region.

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