Va-based food distributor using DNA to track beef

First came organic, then free-range, then local. Now discerning diners with a penchant for spending a premium to know where food comes from are pushing DNA-traceable meat onto restaurant menus.

New 'nanobead' approach could revolutionize sensor technology

Researchers at Oregon State University have found a way to use magnetic "nanobeads" to help detect chemical and biological agents, with possible applications in everything from bioterrorism to medical diagnostics, environmental ...

Climate change affecting food safety

Climate change is already having an effect on the safety of the world's food supplies and unless action is taken it's only going to get worse, a Michigan State University professor told a symposium at this year's meeting ...

Packaging that knows when food is going off

Packaging that alerts consumers to food which is starting to go off is being developed by researchers at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

University of Minnesota licenses sensor technology to a startup

United Science, a Minnesota startup company, has licensed sensor technology developed at the University of Minnesota that could prevent toxic byproducts of mining and other industries from ending up in the environment and ...

US mulls approval of genetically engineered salmon

US authorities have begun to consider approval for the first time the sale of genetically engineered salmon, a move that some say could open the door to more transgenic animals on American dinner tables.

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