Food science expert: Genetically modified crops are overregulated

It has been almost 20 years since the first genetically modified foods showed up in produce aisles throughout the United States and the rest of the world, but controversy continues to surround the products and their regulation.

Fresh produce safety website launched

A website dedicated to all aspects of food safety for the fresh produce industries of Australian and New Zealand launches today.

US groups win challenge to gene-altered crops

(AP)—A U.S. judge sided on Tuesday with environmental groups that challenged the planting of genetically-modified crops on National Wildlife Refuges in the South.

Ecolab buying Champion Technologies in $2.2B deal

Ecolab, the cleaning, food safety and pest-control services company, is buying the specialty chemical company Champion Technologies in a cash-and-stock deal valued at about $2.2 billion.

Russia suspends Monsanto corn imports

Russia has temporarily suspended importing genetically-modified corn made by the US biotech giant Monsanto after a controversial study linked it to cancer in rats.

Scientists probe yeast's ability to protect tree nuts

( -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have moved a step closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms that enable a helpful yeast to disable a mold that attacks tree nuts such as almonds, pistachios, ...

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